Use the contact form above!
Customer informations:
Identity and adress of the seller:
You make a contract with gehroTex, Peter Gerlach, Bohmter Str. 20, 49074 Osnabrück, Germany. More information at our imprint site.
Please transfer the total amount within 1 week to the bank account shown above or via paypal. If you have ordered items of Studio GUM please pay a deposit of 50% of the total amount. The remaining amount you will have to pay when the items are delivered from Studio GUM. Please notice the delivering times shown at the shop.
Saving the contact:
The contact will be saved. You can see the terms of order at our website.
The prices include the german VAT.
Right of withdrawal
You can cancel the contract written within 14 days without a reason. This time-limit begins at the day you or a third person named by you take possession of the item(s). To exercise your right of withdrawal you have to send us (gehroTex, Owner: Peter Gerlach, Bohmter Str. 20, 49074 Köln,, phone: +49 151 1195 1686, a definite declaration of your decision to cancel the contact (for example with a letter, fax or mail).To be punctual it is sufficient to send the cancellation before the time-limit ends. It´s not enough to just send back the item(s).
What happend after your withdrawal:
If you make an effective withdrawal you will get back your money and you will have to send back the item. We will pay back the money within 14 days after we received the cancellation. You will have to send back the item(s) within 14 days after making your withdrawal. We will use the same way pf payment you used when paying your order. We will not calculate any fee for this pay back. If you paid with transferring to our bank account you will have to tell us your bank details. We are allowed to delay the pay back until the item(s) are sent back to us.
The buyer has to pay for returning the item(s).
If the item is damaged you will have to pay a compensation. You will also have to pay a compensation for depreciation of the item(s) if this depreciation is caused in a usage that is not necessary to proof the function and condition of items(s).
There´s no withdrawal if the item is a customisation.